Monday, August 2, 2010

Prayers for Lauren

One of the YAV's I am going to be serving with lost her mother yesterday. I was searching on line for a Bible verse and I found a prayer that I thought was fitting.
Dear Lord,
Please help me in this time of loss and overwhelming grief. I don't understand why my life is filled with this pain and heartache. But I turn my eyes to you as I seek to find the strength to trust in your faithfulness. I will wait on you and not despair; I will quietly wait for your salvation. My heart is crushed, but I know that you will not abandon me forever. Please show me your compassion, Lord. Help me through the pain so that I will hope in you again. I believe this promise in your Word to send me fresh mercy each day. Though I can't see past today, I trust your great love will never fail me.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing. Thanks for all the wonderful words and your dedication! Hugs, Becky
